Story Wishes

Watching people - an interesting exercise in observation.  Everyone truly does have a story.  Just wish I knew the stories.

Consolation to a Missed Moonset

All hyped up and with my camera gear in tow, I left home at 6:15 this morning bound for the beach to catch the moonset.  The biggest and brightest moonset in more than 18 years!  What a great picture that would make as it set on the horizon, right?  Wrong!  The moon was covered by the heavy cloud cover that preceded the storm we were to receive later this evening.

Given - lemons.  Make - lemonade!  And off to Balboa Park I went.

Having always wanted to visit Balboa Park without anyone else being there, well, hardly anyone else, I was in photog heaven taking pictures to my heart's content.  Only folks around were joggers, dog owners, and a few senior citizens out for a morning walk - none of which were interested in stopping in the middle of my frame.
Practicing my blocking and then "Bam!", perfect timing with a beautiful red hat!

Happy, happy, joy, joy!  On to the Butterfly Garden to practice some macro with a flash and painting techniques.

Depth of Field


BONUS!!!  After patiently waiting an hour with three fly-overs by this gorgeous hummingbird, I finally caught him on film!  It took me a couple of shots to calm down and breathe normally in order to hold my camera still and concentrate, but I did it!  I was so happy with these pictures!  Here are just a few.

So, I missed the moonset, but I caught a hummingbird, plus some great quiet time at Balboa Park, best photography consolation prize ever!

Gardening - Week 3

The sunflowers were outgrowing their egg carton starters, so I bought some peet pots and transfered them over.
 Sixteen of the eighteen sunflower seeds sprouted into nice strong seedlings.

The seedling's roots were already growing through the egg carton material.

The peet pots will provide the sunflowers with more room to grow and give us more time to plant them in the garden.

While at the patio table working with the sunflower seedlings and peet pots, the boys came outside to talk about Dakota's day at school.  Dakota then taught PapaBear how to play "Slap Jack" (a card game he plays at school).
A great memory moment that warmed my heart.

PapaBear finally found a dwarf tangelo tree that he had been wanting, and replanted it into a half barrel on wheels.

During one of my morning plant "rounds", I was "ticked" to find that our neighborhood rabbits had decided to eat the tops off of some of my bulbs! 

After that, everything went up on the patio table or bench.  Once, shame on the rabbits; twice, shame on me!
You can see the dwarf tangelo in it's half barrel in the background.

The blueberry, blackberry and raspberry pots off the ground and on the bench.

Finally, made some more progress on weeding and toiling the vegetable side of the garden area.
 My foreman in his cone of shame.

It's all looking so great!  We are on schedule to have the truckload of amended topsoil delivered this week.  This will give the soil enough time to settle before the bulbs/plants for my butterfly garden are delivered in about two weeks.